For example, I have different subdomain, like "", "", ""
I want all this use the "same" Auth function ( PHP PEAR AUTH function)
I want to loing in one place, then all places can work (in diffent sub domainname).
So, I have to set cookie to the same domain name.
step 1:
go to CentOS, usr -> share -> PEAR -> Auth.php
(if you use WAMP, it will be in WAMP -> php -> PEAr -> Auth.php
step 2:
Open and edit Auth.php
step 3:
find this
setcookie('authchallenge', $this->session['challengecookie'], 0, '/');
replace to (in this example, we have to write to
setcookie('authchallenge', $this->session['challengecookie'], 0, '/', '');
there are two lines to be changed, don't forget.
step 4:
restart your server --"service httpd restart"